Posted By: Aaron Buck Call of Duty 2 - 11/20/2005 03:33 PM
I finally broke down and bought Call of Duty 2 after hearing some good reviews about it. WOW - were they ever right! This is one hell of a game, both single player and multiplayer modes. The graphics are spectacular as are the sounds. The battle scenes are very intense and can leave you a little uneasy (at least they did for me). One major perk is that they aren't afraid of the swastika - the German uniforms (officer and soldier) look great and the banners bear the full design. The only downside is that in single player mode, you can only play a Russian, British, or American soldier - no German, but you can in the multiplayer mode.

I highly recommend this game. I feel it's better than Day of Defeat:Source for any of you who play that. Also, there is already and expansion pack out for it, Big Red One, so I'll be checking that out soon too.
Posted By: sdp Re: Call of Duty 2 - 11/20/2005 04:32 PM
Life is now over as you know it! These games are highly addictive, you won't know where the hours have gone.
Posted By: Aaron Buck Re: Call of Duty 2 - 11/20/2005 07:00 PM
You're absolutely right. I finished the single player part and now I'm addicted to the multiplayer version
Posted By: sdp Re: Call of Duty 2 - 11/20/2005 09:16 PM
Hehehe... you'll be onto Medal Of Honor before you know it. Big Grin Big Grin Wink
Posted By: jotuntroll Re: Call of Duty 2 - 11/22/2005 12:16 AM
All games mentions are very good but nothing is so realistic and great as the operation flashpoint games...I promise you that. The enemy is clevar and military set everything is acurate. Is is one of the longest campagne games ever....Strongly recomended! Wink
Posted By: Aaron Buck Re: Call of Duty 2 - 11/22/2005 01:35 AM
If it's on XBOX, then I'll be sure to try it out!
Posted By: WW2-Collector Re: Call of Duty 2 - 11/22/2005 03:00 PM
I played the first call of duty and am going to play #2 but am going to wait until I get me a new alienware computer I realized my current alienware computer that is just 2 1/2 years old is getting slow when I had to run Fear in 800x600 to get a decent frame rate so I put that game on hold as well. While not military games I would highly recommend half life 2 & doom 3 as well as Far cry.
Posted By: Aaron Buck Re: Call of Duty 2 - 11/22/2005 03:47 PM
I've finished both HL2 and Doom3, but I haven't heard of Far Cry - I'll have to check it out. I've heard of Fear - how do you like it Tom?
Posted By: Brave Wolf Re: Call of Duty 2 - 11/22/2005 04:03 PM
Ohhhhh...the first Call of Duty was spectacular.
Never had so much fun playing a game since the first Resident Evil. I'm sure number two is equally great.I'll try it in a day or two. Big Grin

Ulf the player.

"Let each note i now play be a black arrow of death,sent straight to the hearts of all those who play false battle.They dieeeeee!!!...."

Big Grin Cool Razz Roll Eyes Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin
Posted By: Andrew H Re: Call of Duty 2 - 11/23/2005 12:06 AM
I just finished Call of Duty 2 this weekend. (On easy level of course Roll Eyes) An excellent game! I wish I hadn't rushed through it so quick Frown

Posted By: WW2-Collector Re: Call of Duty 2 - 11/23/2005 03:04 AM
Aaron ,your in for a real treat far cry is as good of quality as half life 2 absolutely fantastic game have played it through 2-3 times. I barley scratched the surface of fear but it appears to be great I have it on hold waiting for a new computer it takes a powerhouse if you want to run in 1024x768 if I was smart I would try console gaming this new computer every couple years is ridiculous.
Posted By: B�rse Re: Call of Duty 2 - 11/23/2005 03:57 AM
F.E.A.R is an awesome game, and even scarier than Doom3 (if that is possible).

I am not kidding. Scary game. Also, great battle play against the bad guys. Cheats help, because it can be very challenging.
Posted By: Degens Re: Call of Duty 2 - 11/23/2005 04:15 AM
I just cant drag myself away from D.O.D to try Call of Duty. I have bought my ageing father a copy for xmas so I might have a sneak preview before he gets it to see if it compares. I am halfway through F.E.A.R. and your right, it certainly keeps you on your toes. Started on the hardest setting which was probably a bad idea, because I had to drop it down a notch but the slo-mo effects and realism is fantastic. The lighting and sounds are what make this game and although I have not tried MP yet, the single player makes it worth every penny by itself.
I run an X800 Pro and Audigy 7.1 speakers with everything maxxed and you spend half the game looking over your shoulder Smile.
Posted By: Aaron Buck Re: Call of Duty 2 - 11/23/2005 11:20 AM
That's the way I felt with Doom 3, so I'm going to have to check out FEAR. Sounds like Far Cry is worth checking out too!
Posted By: Billy G. Re: Call of Duty 2 - 11/25/2005 02:51 PM
I've got both Call of Duty I and Medal Of Honor and have yet to open either, partly because of my fear I'll have no time for anything after I get addicted to them. I experienced this with the 1st and 2nd Half Lifes. After going over to XP I had to shelve the Half Life addiction to the great relief of my wife Smile Now that Half Life 2 is out and runs on XP, I think I'll need a new computer to handle the graphics and memory requirements. I'm presuming COD and MOH have similar requirements so I guess the new computer is in the stars for me either way.

As an aside, I think it sucks that these games won't allow the single player to be the German soldier, except on multiplayer mode. I had figured they'd do away with that in the second editions of these games but apparently not. Not a big deal overall but I suppose it's typical of stuff today.
Posted By: Aaron Buck Re: Call of Duty 2 - 11/28/2005 04:18 AM
There is no doubt Billy, that your computer needs to be pretty beefy to handle these games even in many graphic features turned off. Addiction is guaranteed!

For Christmas, I've requested Big Red One expansion pack for COD2, Battlefield 2, FEAR, Far Cry, and Quake 4. Am I missing anything?
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Call of Duty 2 - 11/28/2005 09:07 AM
Hey Guys

My Nephew just picked up the new Xbox 360 premium and has the Call of duty 2 for that....Mind blowing is all I have to say...They have a thing called Xbox live that allows you to set up multiplayer games that along with everyting else if you have the headset you can talk with your team and really lay out strategy....Its a Pay thing forget the complete cost but it seems very kool.
Posted By: Aaron Buck Re: Call of Duty 2 - 11/28/2005 11:27 PM
A friend of mine played COD2 on the store demo XBox 360 - he said it was amazing!
Posted By: Paul Horton Re: Call of Duty 2 - 11/30/2005 06:12 AM
i have been a online gamer of all the socom games on line, and im currently rotting away to SOCOM 3, this game is my "after work" relaxer....
Posted By: Aaron Buck Re: Call of Duty 2 - 11/30/2005 11:37 AM
I just saw an advertisement yesterday for that - looks awesome!
Posted By: Brave Wolf Re: Call of Duty 2 - 12/01/2005 04:24 PM
Oh boy ,oh boy!! I have been playin' COD2 now for a few days(on PC) and it's GREAT!!! Big Grin

Suddenly Fritz was right in front of me,and whilst eyeballing his fabolous DD Chickenwire Camo helmet,he shot me straight in the head. Red Face Big Grin

Close combat with the officers? Yes, it's fun Cool.

Ulf the warrior
Posted By: WW2-Collector Re: Call of Duty 2 - 12/02/2005 03:57 AM
Well I took the plunge with a new Alienware to replace my 3 year old Alienware.Fx-55 with dual 7800GT cards 2 Gig of ram should perform ok on fear and cod2 Big Grin Aaron I think you have the new stuff covered. Have you played Return to castle wolfenstein? If not I highly recommend it little dated but still a great game. Another older but fantastic game is NOLF2.
Posted By: sdp Re: Call of Duty 2 - 12/02/2005 10:42 AM
Great thread... it's good to see that we have many other games addicts in our community. Big Grin
Posted By: Aaron Buck Re: Call of Duty 2 - 12/02/2005 11:31 AM
Tom: That sounds like one impressive system! I'm really attracted to Alienware - cool designs and of course, built for the gamer! My home system is also my work system: HP nw8240 notebook. It's a workstation replacement, so the graphics are great!

I've not played Wolfenstein 2 - did play the original Wolfenstein though! Never heard of NOLF2 - is it good?
Posted By: Aaron Buck Re: Call of Duty 2 - 12/02/2005 12:49 PM
If anyone plays the above games and would like to "hook up" in cyberland, specify the game, the online servers you use, and your handle and perhaps we can square off in an online battle!

Game: Day of Defeat 2
Servers: Frenchy's Pit or The Ville I-V
Handle: ]pHo[ Rune

The other games, I don't have any specific servers I play on yet, but I always go by the same handle as above.
Posted By: WW2-Collector Re: Call of Duty 2 - 01/09/2006 03:34 AM
Originally posted by Aaron Buck (a.k.a. BuckDom or BugDoom): Never heard of NOLF2 - is it good?

Aaron Nolf 2 is a first person shooter that is hilarious but also the game play is fantastic you play as Kate Archer a spy the game is kind of a James bond knock off actually Monolith who made Fear made NOLF2 Stands for no one lives for ever 2. It is a older game but I guarantee it still looks great and the game play is as good as any of the above mentioned games you can probably pick it up for $10. Gave fear a couple run throughs with the new Alienware and now replaying doom 3 on ultra settings and wow this game is beautiful a work of art . Will be busting of COD 2 as soon as I give doom a run through. Anybody play multiplayer Fear death match? Been playing some and it is a hoot.
Posted By: Aaron Buck Re: Call of Duty 2 - 01/09/2006 12:13 PM
I got FEAR, Battlefield 2, and Quake 4 for Christmas, but I haven't had a chance to play any of them. I'm still hooked on COD2! I'll check out NOLF2 - is it too old to be in the stores?
Posted By: Adam Kirchen Re: Call of Duty 2 - 01/10/2006 07:13 PM
I would love to play COD2 online how can we set it up to play Aaron? I have broadband & cod2 so I think I am capible of online play?
Posted By: Aaron Buck Re: Call of Duty 2 - 01/11/2006 01:16 AM
I play on a variety of servers online - you should have the multiplayer option. When you get online, choose a server and we'll meet up!
Posted By: Adam Kirchen Re: Call of Duty 2 - 01/11/2006 01:35 AM
Let me know the server now and we can play, I've aready just learn how to join people in multiplayer its great. I will be on germandaggers.com into you tell me the server and we will meet on the battle field. My screen name I use is Oberfeldwebel Kirchen Big Grin
Posted By: Aaron Buck Re: Call of Duty 2 - 01/18/2006 12:49 PM
Tom - excellent recommendation with F.E.A.R!! I've just started it and the creeep factor is excellent!!!
Posted By: WW2-Collector Re: Call of Duty 2 - 02/13/2006 12:40 AM
Aaron I knew you would like Fear. I can host a server on call of duty 2 I have a beefy enough machine. I can call it Germandagger.com and also password it so it will be just members any one interested in receiving a good spanking? Eek I don�t know who would get a good enough ping to play but we can set a time and try it.
Posted By: Aaron Buck Re: Call of Duty 2 - 02/13/2006 02:33 AM
That sounds like a great idea! Unfortunately, I can't play until after the 20th - in the mean time, let's hope Adam and the other COD2 players see this post!
Posted By: WW2-Collector Re: Call of Duty 2 - 02/20/2006 04:12 AM
Thanks Aaron I was hoping more members would be interested we would need at least 6 to have a decent game .This really is a great game the graphics are phenomenal played about 3 hours today Smile
Posted By: Adam Kirchen Re: Call of Duty 2 - 02/20/2006 04:56 AM
I will play when ever you get it going. I love COD Multiplayer its great. Maybe if you get it up in running let us know and what time, I am layed off so anytimes good for me. Big Grin Maybe you can add mods eventally too.
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Call of Duty 2 - 05/20/2006 04:01 PM
Different game...but...

Did anyone here manage to find and avoid the murderously insane Bazooka wielding USMC Medic in the Medal of Honour Allied Assault secret level?
Posted By: disbo100 Re: Call of Duty 2 - 05/20/2006 06:31 PM
Hey folks, COD2 is good on PS2, I liked the first one a hair better (play different folks). As far as getting your moneys worth I like MOH European Assault. Put that on expert/hard and you will get you $$ out of it cause you wont be able to beat it in a few days or weeks.

The one Im hooked on now is Sniper Elite.. Very realistic setting (wind/bullet drop) and on the hardest setting damn near impossible to beat. As the game processes you get better rifles/scopes ect. It came out last year so you can get it brand new for about 20.00 which is well worth it.
Posted By: spock Re: Call of Duty 2 - 05/20/2006 07:21 PM

I play all the following I am worse than my kids. Most online.
COD2, EVE, Dungeons & Dragons online, World Of Warcraft.
I used to play Everquest 1 & 2, Asherons Call, Final Fantsay 11 and many more. I now concentrate on Call Of Duty 2 where I am known as (D.O.G.)Bert, the DOG stands for DODDERY OLD GITS. One big change over COD the original I have noticed is you have to AIM more now, no longer spray and pray unless using a PPSH.

see you online sometime.
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