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Edged Weapons
Here is the place to discuss German edged weapons. Anything from fighting knives to swords to daggers. Come in and speak with some of the greatest minds in the hobby.
  Forums Threads Posts Last Post
Welcome - New Collectors Start Here (3 viewing)
This Forum is to welcome new Members and explain how GDC works.
01/19/2025 08:09 PM
264 1,651
01/19/2025 08:09 PM
by ed773
SS Dagger Forum (12 viewing)
Daggers of the SS: Model 1933 Daggers, Model 1936 Chained Daggers, Honor Daggers, Himmler Dedication Daggers, and all SS accoutrements. Moderated by Dave Hohaus, editor of Tom Wittmann's book on SS Edged Weapons.
Moderated by: Dave
01/18/2025 01:26 AM
2,249 31,134
01/18/2025 01:26 AM
by Northwoods715
SA & NSKK Dagger Forum (14 viewing)
Daggers of the SA (Storm Troops): Standard Service, Feldherrnhalle, Special Presentation, High Leader Daggers, and all SA accoutrements. Also daggers of the NSKK - Standard Service, Chained, etc. Moderated by Mike McAlvanah, perhaps THE most accomplished SA dagger collector in history.
12/07/2024 02:23 PM
1,948 26,194
12/07/2024 02:23 PM
by kreta1961
Rohm Dagger Forum (4 viewing)
Your place to discuss one of the most fascinating areas of German Dagger collecting. Learn about both SS and SA Rohm Daggers.
12/28/2024 08:00 PM
432 6,661
12/28/2024 08:00 PM
by den70
Army, Navy, and Luftwaffe Forum (12 viewing)
Daggers of the Army (Heer), Navy (Kriegsmarine), and Air Force (Luftwaffe), Characteristics and variations, as well as accoutrements (portapees and hangers). Moderated by Wotan and WWII-Collector and Kevin who you all know as "heers68"
01/04/2025 12:08 AM
2,500 28,614
01/04/2025 12:08 AM
by wotan
HJ Edged Weapons Forum (12 viewing)
This is the place to discuss the edged weapons of the Hitler Youth: Leader daggers, the HJ knives ( including the youth knives of occupied countries) DJ knives, and HJ Honor Bayonets. Moderated by Herman V.
11/13/2024 09:43 AM
834 9,256
11/13/2024 09:43 AM
by Gerrit1963
Miscellaneous Dagger Forum (7 viewing)
Everything else: NPEA, Reichs Labor Service (RAD), DLV, Diplomatic/Government, Red Cross, The RLB, Teno, Land and Water Customs, Railway, and Postal (Postschutz) Daggers, boot knives, Imperial Edged Weapons. Moderated by Ron Weinand.
1,536 16,008
01/05/2025 03:10 AM
by Billy G.
European Edged Weapons (1 viewing)
For discussion of swords, daggers, and bayonets used by European countries not including Germany. Additionally, uniforms from European countries other than Germany may be discussed here. Moderated by Jim Wallace, an advanced collector of European blades
763 6,706
06/07/2024 01:38 PM
by Chiska
Edged Weapons Accoutrements Forum (2 viewing)
Visit this forum to discuss hangers, frogs, portepees, control tags, dagger storage bags, or anything else that was used with German edged weapons.
01/09/2025 12:07 AM
466 3,409
01/09/2025 12:07 AM
by wotan
The BCN Bayonet Forum (16 viewing)
Your resource for Bayonet collecting worldwide. The Bayonet Collector's Network (BCN) was founded in 1996 to bring bayonet collectors together to share knowledge and information about bayonets. Come inside to talk not only about German bayonets, but about bayonets from around the world. Moderated by John Jacobi, founder of BCN and ably assisted by Terry Kissinger the man with all the Fire Bayonets.
01/17/2025 05:12 AM
2,037 20,731
01/17/2025 05:12 AM
by Mikee
Hunting, Forestry, and Shooting Forum (15 viewing)
This is where you can discuss hunting, forestry, and shooting daggers. Moderated by Gary Southgate.
01/02/2025 06:25 PM
C. Wetzel-20609
666 8,649
01/02/2025 06:25 PM
by C. Wetzel-20609
German Sword & Miniatures Forum (3 viewing)
Here is the place to discuss swords, kinder sables, and miniature daggers. Moderated by Fred Prinz, who most of you knew as Frogprinz.
01/05/2025 11:37 AM
Herman V. (aka Herr Mann)
1,115 11,907
01/05/2025 11:37 AM
by Herman V. (aka Herr Mann)
The GDC Bazaar
The Bazaar contains our "For Sale" and "Wanted" Forums in their own new area.
  Forums Threads Posts Last Post
For Sale Forum (3 viewing)
This is a Forum where Premium Members can post free "For Sale" ads. Please keep items listed militaria related.
10/21/2024 07:12 PM
379 1,583
10/21/2024 07:12 PM
by Gaspare
Wanted Forum (2 viewing)
This is a Forum where Premium Members can post free "Wanted" ads. Please keep items listed militaria-related.
10/29/2023 06:09 PM
62 130
10/29/2023 06:09 PM
by Dave
Sold/Expired Ads
This is a Forum where Premium Members and Moderators can view expired "For Sale" ads
08/11/2024 05:28 PM
Herman V. (aka Herr Mann)
424 1,770
08/11/2024 05:28 PM
by Herman V. (aka Herr Mann)
Uniform & Accessories
This category covers most things worn "on the person" other than edged weapons and firearms. Headgear, uniforms, medals and badges, insignia, and more.
  Forums Threads Posts Last Post
SS & SA Uniform Forum (11 viewing)
SS and SA Uniform Forum. Your place to discuss, uniforms, headgear and cloth insignia of the SS and the SA. Moderated by Fred Fokkelman
1,682 17,360
10/31/2024 01:10 AM
German Military Uniform Forum (7 viewing)
Discuss uniforms, headgear, and cloth insignia of the German Army, Navy, and Luftwaffe services. This includes Camouflage and Paratroop (Fallschirmjäger ) uniforms.
12/09/2024 09:39 PM
936 7,719
12/09/2024 09:39 PM
by adriano
Police Uniforms Forum (2 viewing)
Discuss uniforms, headgear, cloth insignia, and accessories of the German police services. Moderated by Bill Unland.
01/21/2024 06:59 PM
551 7,382
01/21/2024 06:59 PM
by derjager
Miscellaneous German Uniforms (9 viewing)
The forum for uniforms, headgear, and cloth insignia of all other german organizations such as the TENO, The Labor Corps, the DLV, and the Diplomatic Corps.
12/12/2024 10:13 PM
297 2,285
12/12/2024 10:13 PM
by derjager
Imperial German Uniforms, Orders, and Decorations (9 viewing)
Your place to discuss all Imperial German Militaria including: service medals, decorations, badges, insigna, photos, documents, spiked helmets, visors, field gear, flags, cloth insigia, etc. Moderated by Bill Warda, an expert in many fields on German Miliitaria.
01/04/2025 09:09 PM
432 5,255
01/04/2025 09:09 PM
by Dutchman
Medals & Badges of the Third Reich Forum (24 viewing)
The forum for Medals, ribbons, and badges and other awards of all German services. Iron Crosses, Shooting Badges, Membership Pins, and more. Moderated by Fritz Kunz III and Derjager.
01/20/2025 05:37 PM
1,972 22,984
01/20/2025 05:37 PM
by derjager
Belts and Buckles Forum (1 viewing)
The place to discuss brocade and service belts, as well as belt buckles.
08/20/2023 06:12 PM
530 3,610
08/20/2023 06:12 PM
by derjager
Helmet Forum (2 viewing)
Steel Helmet Forum. Discuss all German steel helmets from all branches of service and organizations, from both WWI and WWII. Moderated by Panzerfaust.
01/13/2025 02:33 PM
1,174 13,287
01/13/2025 02:33 PM
by Dutchman
The Honor Ring Forum (19 viewing)
Not just Honor rings! Private purchase military rings of any nation. Military school rings, West Wall rings, DAK, lets see it. Moderated by "Haupt-Moderator" Gaspare Bua, and Stephen, who you all know as "Spitfire"
Moderated by: Stephen
01/20/2025 07:58 AM
2,181 27,544
01/20/2025 07:58 AM
by benten
General Militaria
Here is the place to discuss all militaria other than German uniforms, accessories, and daggers. Beer steins, regalia, firearms, field gear, other edged weapons, etc.
  Forums Threads Posts Last Post
United States Militaria
Your place to discuss United States Militaria including weapons, uniforms, medals, and other items of interest from all periods of United States Military History. Moderated by Mr. Jerry, a long time collector from Wisconsin.
06/01/2024 11:23 PM
C. Wetzel-20609
695 4,290
06/01/2024 11:23 PM
by C. Wetzel-20609
Japanese Militaria Forum (3 viewing)
For discussing Samaurai Swords, Japanese headgear and uniforms, medals, rifles and related equipment, everything from grenade launchers and bayonets. Moderated by Jareth Holub. A professional antique restoration expert, Jareth has been collecting Japanese militaria for over 25 years.
04/14/2024 10:17 PM
399 2,913
04/14/2024 10:17 PM
by Mikee
Flags, Field Gear, and Miscellaneous Militaria and Regalia Forum (3 viewing)
A place to discuss militaria that does not fit in another forum. Also for railroad car eagles, statues, personality busts, Allach porcelin, silverware, napkins, and other collectibles.
12/27/2024 02:27 PM
858 6,608
12/27/2024 02:27 PM
by Gaspare
Historic and Period Firearms Forum (2 viewing)
Do you collect, shoot, or just enjoy looking at historic firearms ? Anything from matchlocks to WWII Lugers ? If you do, this forum is for you. Show us what you have and ask your questions here. Moderated by Vern.
01/09/2025 06:03 PM
417 3,394
01/09/2025 06:03 PM
by Gaspare
Names, Documents, Photos and Translation Forum (5 viewing)
This Forum is for the discussion of any named or numbered items you may have in your collection as well as the discussion of period photos and documents. Moderated by Ross Kelbaugh an accomplished researcher in SS and other TR areas.
01/06/2025 04:37 PM
494 3,284
01/06/2025 04:37 PM
by Gaspare
General Interest
Everything else that doesn't fit in the other categories, in addition to our "community" forums that are not collectible-specific. Want a translation? Have a question about how the forum works? It's all here.
  Forums Threads Posts Last Post
Community Center (8 viewing)
This is the place to talk about the website, post important hobby news, and ask hobby questions that don't seem to fall into any other category.
12/25/2024 03:52 PM
1,238 11,122
12/25/2024 03:52 PM
Collector's Corner
Discussion forum for anything of interest to collectors. Moderated by Paul and Ryan
Moderated by: [email protected]
11/27/2024 03:51 PM
41 530
11/27/2024 03:51 PM
by Mikee
Other Hobbies and Collections, like sports cars, movies, music,etc (9 viewing)
What else do you collect besides militaria or what other hobbies do you have ? Aviation Collectibles? Beer Steins ? Model soldiers ? Stamps ? Pewter and Copper ? Let us know and post some pictures if you can.
12/21/2024 06:11 PM
C. Wetzel-20609
515 5,525
12/21/2024 06:11 PM
by C. Wetzel-20609
Computer Help & Idea Exchange Forum (3 viewing)
Does your computer have a bug? Is it slowing down? Need to know how to resize a picture? Jump in and ask Aaron Buck, an IT industry veteran.
07/16/2024 11:14 AM
333 1,749
07/16/2024 11:14 AM
by Baz69
Restoration, Conservation, and Maintenance Forum (1 viewing)
Learn about restoration, conservation, and maintenance techniques and the pros and cons of each. Moderated by Vern Bryant, accomplished restoration expert.
09/14/2022 03:27 PM
307 2,220
09/14/2022 03:27 PM
by Dave
Period History Forum (3 viewing)
This forum is for discussions and debates about historical topics relevant to our hobby.
11/26/2024 07:35 PM
187 889
11/26/2024 07:35 PM
by Gaspare
In Memoriam (1 viewing)
This Forum is to remember our absent friends and collectors.
12/27/2024 05:32 PM
51 509
12/27/2024 05:32 PM
by derjager
Collector's Showcase (1 viewing)
A place to share your collection or favorite piece with other collectors. Moderated by Roger Jeandell aka "Leipzig"
07/16/2024 07:47 PM
197 3,536
07/16/2024 07:47 PM
by derjager
GDC Reference Library
Each thread contains links to the appropriate reference gallery. Click a link to view the gallery.
10/09/2024 11:24 PM
9 46
10/09/2024 11:24 PM
by Vern
Popular Topics(Views)
2,316,169 SS Bayonets
1,813,986 Teno Insignia Set
1,182,519 westwall rings
Latest New Threads
RZM 807/36 opinions
by Northwoods715 - 01/18/2025 01:25 AM
New member from Wisconsin
by Northwoods715 - 01/18/2025 01:03 AM
NathanP for imperial troddel
by NathanP - 01/16/2025 07:00 AM
Dagger Background and Value
by JimmersTR - 01/16/2025 06:05 AM
Some boxed rings
by Gaspare - 01/11/2025 02:42 AM
Latest New Posts
Organizational Pins/Badges. A new beginning.
by derjager - 01/20/2025 05:37 PM
Some boxed rings
by benten - 01/20/2025 07:58 AM
by derjager - 01/19/2025 11:08 PM
New member from Wisconsin
by ed773 - 01/19/2025 08:09 PM
Medals and Badges against a background.
by fischer - 01/19/2025 05:10 PM
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7 members (Sasha, Vern, Northwoods715, den70, Dutchman, ed773, Mikee), 101 guests, and 241 robots.
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